
As another year draws to a close, I’ve contemplated the past 11 months and what I’ve learned.  I’ve learned that I’m becoming more cranky the older I get, and I’m working on improving that. 🙂  But I’ve also learned from my experiences with work, family and life in general.

My Mom passed away in March and I thought I was OK with it, since we talked a couple of times a month on the phone and had discussed what would happen when that moment came.  I remember the night my sister called to tell me Mom was in the hospital and wasn’t expected to last the week so I was resigned that the time had come.  Well, she surprised both of us and fought for almost another month.  When the time did come my sister called me and said Mom was gone.  I didn’t cry, because I was ready for it. We discussed how she wasn’t in pain anymore and she was once again with my dad in heaven. Even though I wouldn’t be going back home for the funeral, my boss gave me a couple of days off if I needed it.  I didn’t think I would, until the next day.  That’s when it hit me I would never hear her voice again over the phone and I cried for hours.  Funny how things sneak up on you like that.  You think you’re OK, then WHAM!  I still see her in my dreams along my father, husband, and other family members that have passed.

From work as a customer service rep for an airline, I’ve learned that some people can insensitive to the pain of others, and some down right rude and mean.  Especially if their flight is affected by circumstances beyond anyone’s control, such as weather or something happening during their flight itself which causes them to be delayed or redirected to somewhere other than their intended destination.  Some people even blamed hurricane Odile in September on our airline as a way to mess up their vacation in Los Cabos San Lucas.  REALLY!

I’ve also learned that it isn’t just people I deal with at work, even people in grocery stores where I’m shopping can be rude and mean.  This world is going to heck in a hand basket. But I’ve also seen others who will go out of their way to be pleasant, helpful and nice.  I treasure those moments and try to forget the others.

I’ve also dealt with lost work due to illness and headaches, which resulted in lost wages so I’ve had to tighten the belt more than I anticipated.  But the headaches are being treated now and things will get better.

Sparky is still being his lovable self. Our most recent battle though is for my chair.  He covets it, and every time I’m not in sitting in it he grabs it. Even if I just to go to the bathroom, he jumps up in it and attempts to settle in.  I have a small box with a towel next to the heater which he resigns himself to when he can’t have the chair. One day I’ll get him his own chair again.  We live in a studio apartment so there isn’t much room for another chair but I’ll figure something out.

Well, I guess that’s it for now.  Look for more news on my hopes for the new year later.

If I can get through the holidays and keep my sanity and don’t go postal on someone, I’ll be OK.